My mom and I love an excuse for a color-themed meal. When I was a kid, green dinner on St. Pats Day, and red dinner on Valentine’s was a tradition. My mom really went all out this year, digging up an Irishy-looking table cloth and some shamrock dishes.

And of course the food was all green, or mostly-green.
But no corned beef and cabbage for us, no. We had spinach pasta with spinach pesto, escarole with white beans.

Green peppers stuffed with feta cheese.

Salmon, topped with a green brussels sprout for Shane, since he’s laying off the pasta at the moment, and Rose because she loves any food that once had a heartbeat.

And of course green lemonade. About which Sid—who has recently become very vocal, politically—exclaimed “Free lemonade for all people except Donald Trump!”

Happy St. Pat’s y’all.