It’s just Rose and me tonight, so we went to Jahn’s. It seemed silly to go, because we had just stopped at Farm Spot to pick up this week’s csa box, but I’ve still got this headache and Rose has been wanting to go for a while.

Jahn’s (pronounced Jans, as in the abbreviation for January, with an s) is an institution. It’s an old fashioned ice cream parlor restaurant that also serves typical fare. Our location here in Jackson Heights is the only Jahn’s restaurant left, there used to be a lot of them all around the NYC area. The food is what you would expect, I find the ice cream to be better than average. It’s worth a visit for the booth and counter appeal, and for the regulars who are generally very old and can be fun to observe.

We topped it all off with a gooey brownie from Three Little Birds Baked Goods, which we ate messily while walking home. Three Little Birds doesn’t seem to have a web site but can be found Thursday evenings at Farm Spot.