Around 2pm today I called my husband at work with a serious dilemma: “Shane, I don’t know what to make for dinner.”
Shane: “I don’t know either, Nina”
Me: “Pancakes?”
Shane: “No”
Me: “But we had past and chicken yesterday”
Shane: “Okay, pancakes, yes. Yes! I’ll pick up some sausages”

And so it was. We also had a variation on this Raw Kale Salad, in which I used curly kale instead of Tuscan, and added one anchovy fillet and some Dijon mustard to the dressing. Instead of minced garlic, I used only a smooshed clove of garlic which sat in the dressing for a while.

• Basic Pancakes •
from the New York Times Cookbook, edited on 01/31/16

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1- 2 cups milk (1 cup makes thick pancakes, 2 makes thin)
3 tablespoons melted butter (or a neutral flavored oil like canola)
1 tsp vanilla 

Mix together flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl with a whisk. Combine egg & milk, add melted butter. Pour milk mixture into dry ingredients and stir only enough to moisten the dry ingredients. Melt a pat of butter on griddle or in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Pour batter into the pan using a ladle or pitcher. When bubbles come to the surface of the pancakes and then pop, the underside should be perfectly brown, check then flip. Cook second side, peeking to see when it looks just golden enough. Keep on a platter in a warm oven until all pancakes are done. Serve with maple syrup and butter.