Did you think the low-carb diet was the end of The Steady Table? Nope! Neither the blog nor the diet are over. We’re two months in and doing just fine.

Shane has lost a ton of weight. 30 pounds, or maybe 60? I’m not sure but it’s a lot. He lets loose sometimes and has a bowl of cereal, or a manhattan and that’s ok because he also seems happier.

Tonight we had bread-less BLTs and Brie-LTs. I probably did not invent the bread-less BLT, but because I’ve never made it before I feel like I did. It’s pretty awesome, like a salad you can eat with your hands.

Here’s the deal, it takes 5 minutes plus the time to cook the bacon. You get yourself some nice romaine lettuce leaves, schmear on some mayo, add a few slices of bacon (or brie) and top with sliced grape tomatoes, salt and pepper. Serve with a side of avocado. Enjoy!
