There was a tornado watch tonight. I told my family I was going out for canned goods and bottled water, but really I was just getting celery, white beans, lemons and limes. Most of my provisions went into this yummy parmesan and celery salad from 101 cookbooks.

I already had salmon on hand for my current go-to salmon recipe, which I’ve posted about before. The tomatoes from my csa box are really wonderful this week, juicy, red, not mealy, flavorful, all you ever want from a tomato but somehow rarely get. Instead of the usual basil/olive oil combo, I cut them into chunks and added lime juice, chopped cilantro, salt and olive oil. Oh yum.

For Shane, I made crisp, oven-roasted potatoes. I learned recently that the trick to getting your potatoes crisp is to let them cook until they un-stick from the roasting pan, you shouldn’t have to scrape them off the bottom (if you do, they’ll be more mushed up and home-fry like). I cut mine into approximately 1″ cubes (not peeled), toss them with olive oil and a little salt and roast in glass baking dish at 400 degrees, until they don’t stick to the pan. Then I add a bit more salt and pepper or lemon pepper, and serve.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the latest of our ‘starting kindergarten’ after-dinner treats. Shane picked up an icing filled cookie sandwich from Billy’s Bakery. I hope my family will forgive me when I tell them that we aren’t going to have ‘starting kindergarten’ treats all year long.