The last night of vacation sure is bittersweet. Drew and André went fishing and came back with a bunch of flounder and a dogfish (which is a kind of shark). Drew blackened them and the rest of us pitched in to make fish taco accoutrements.

I get the impression that making blackened fish isn’t something one does in one’s home kitchen. Drew brought out his mega-burner, it’s a gas burner about about 18″ in diameter. He cooked the seasoned fish in a cast iron skillet over the burner’s huge flame.

Anna attempted to replicate Ronni’s guacamole and I tried to make Wayne’s salsa from Mexican night. Both came out great, but not quite the same as the original. I seasoned up some sour cream with a bit of lime juice, salt and a pinch of sugar. Cathy made very cilantroey black beans (yum!).

Rita made a couple of gorgeous salads (which I didn’t photograph). One of the salads used what we’ve been calling “Drew-gula,” it’s Drew & Cathy’s delicious, spicy home-grown arugula. So good.

We were delighted to finally be able to eat in the “Olive Garden,” after a week of uncooperative weather. We may all be several mosquito bites the worse, but it will be worth the scratching.

Dinner was followed by s’mores on the beach at sunset, flying paper lanterns and sparklers. Goodnight vacation, see you next time.