SaladBreadCheese_IMG_6036It occurred to me today, that if I could get my kid to appreciate, or at least tolerate, salad, bread & cheese for dinner, I could have it more often.

I hardly ever get to have salad, bread & cheese at suppertime, because of my family. Rose is five, and presents the kind of mealtime challenges typical of kids her age. Shane is huge and thinks of salad, bread and cheese as nothing more than a barely substantial snack.

Tonight I made a salad, and served it with fresh mozzarella, which I know Rose likes, Fromage D’Affinios, which I figured would be a long shot, and some nice chewy, crusty bread. To hedge my bets, I cooked a sausage, sliced it up and put toothpicks in the slices (kids love food with toothpicks). I figured if all else failed, Rose would have sausage for dinner and be none the worse for it.

I was pleasantly surprised. She started with the sausage and proceeded to eat a bit of everything except the D’Affinois and the bread. Mission accomplished! Salad, Bread and Cheese is going to be the new Lazy Wednesday.